Hiland Provides Comfort and Distraction to Consumers During COVID-19 Pandemic
Hiland Dairy was looking to connect authentically with consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing these unprecedented times would be difficult, Hiland wanted to provide a little comfort and distraction. With the focus being on being together as a family in the kitchen, Hiland partnered with a local influencer to bring fun and easy baking recipes right to our consumers.
The Objective
- Create light-hearted, engaging content for Hiland Dairy consumers during COVID-19 pandemic
- Grow our recipe database through original content to be used on our website as well as other digital applications
- Increase meaningful engagement during the promotional period
- Stay top of mind with dairy consumers
The Execution
A local influencer created (4) unique and yummy dessert recipes specifically for this promotion. Each recipe was made with the whole family in mind and included at least one Hiland Dairy ingredient. The recipes were shared every Monday and consumers were challenged with making and uploading a photo of their creation to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, along with the hashtag #HilandBakingChallenge. At the end of each week, one winner was randomly selected from those who entered to receive a Hiland Dairy prize package including free product coupons and other swag.
The Results
The #HilandBakingChallenge was a big success for Hiland, and accomplished everything we set out to do. We were able to reach over 40,000 people with fun, delicious recipes at a time when families were looking for new ideas and fun activities to help pass the time together. In addition, Hiland was able to gain high-quality, valuable, evergreen content to use across multiple channels.