Fresh Perspectives
We’ve worked in the fresh food industry for a long time, and we’ve gained valuable wisdom over the years. Here’s where you’ll find our unique insights into what it takes to make a fresh food business successful. Take a look and let us know what you think!
Why Companies Should Press Play, Not Pause on Advertising and Marketing During a Recession
Economic uncertainty and recession potential can give rise to an urge to clamp down on spending for both consumers and companies. Unfortunately, advertising and marketing are often among the first areas to suffer the most significant business cutbacks. Of course, no two downturns are the same, but...
Envoy Fresh Promotes Kelly Bentley to Vice President of Client Services
Envoy Fresh has promoted Kelly Bentley to Vice President of Client Services. The seasoned leader will assist in growing Envoy Fresh Services and Relationships. Bentley has been with the firm since 2012 and is responsible for elevating the client's products into well-loved, consumer-focused brands....
Five Benefits of Partnering with a Full-Service Marketing Agency
Marketing is the face of an organization. Marketing teams handle the organization’s branding, digital presence, SEO, marketing materials and content, media relations, advertising, and internal and external communications. Regardless of the marketing team’s size and capacity, the need is always...
The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website
As mobile technology continues to advance so does its grasp on the internet market share. Today, mobile users make up the majority of all web traffic, roughly 55%, and those numbers are continuing to grow. People are using their mobile devices, now more than ever, to consume digital media, buy...
Don’t Let Your SEO Become SE Oh No!
Online search has changed more in the past three years than in the 21 years since Google launched in 1998. As search developed from infancy through the toddler, tween, and teenage years, online search technology grew slowly and steadily, focusing mainly on refining existing algorithms and database...
Tips to Take Your Food Photography to the Next Level
Professional food photography can help you build a brand that stands out and shapes your brand identity. We asked Tom Sain, VP of Creative Services, for his favorite food photography tips that will help you take enticing photos that make your audience want to reach out to grab your food! Food...
Guest Blog from Food Stylist, Sarah Jane Hunt
While the Envoy Fresh team is small, but mighty, we have a long list of incredible freelancers we work with to deliver the very best for our clients. One of our very favorites, Sarah Jane Hunt – food stylist extraordinaire, is sharing some of her tips for preparing food to get the very best...
Consumer Research that Informs New Product Decisions
Recently we had an Envoy Fresh client approach us to help them with a new product decision. They understand that market research is well worth the effort because guesswork and gut instincts don’t launch successful products, informed decisions do. Our client wanted to make a decision quickly, so we...
7 Social Media Optimization Tips to Try Today
We know now that social media is here to stay — and that’s great — because social media is a place where businesses can engage their current customers, grow their customer base, and show their human side. Here are seven tips you can try to make sure your social media channels work for you and not...
Why Election Season Affects All Advertisers
With less than five months until the general election on November 3, 2020, advertisers are under the gun to nail down their Q3 and Q4 media buys. And with many forecasting this to be the biggest ad spend during a political season in history, it’s crucial to be smart with advertising dollars. How...